What is REDD?「降低開發中國家因森林濫伐導致森林惡化的碳排放計畫」


REDD – reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries – is a proposed mechanism aimed at slowing climate change by paying developing countries to stop cutting down their forests.It has been the subject of heated arguments since Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica tabled a proposal for reducing emissions from deforestation at international climate change talks in 2005.
The idea was soon extended to include ‘forest degradation’, and followed by proposals that agroforestry and agriculture should be added.
In 2008 REDD-plus emerged, which builds in conserving and sustainably managing forests, forest restoration and reforestation.
REDD has rapidly become more prominent in international climate change negotiations.
More than 30 models of how REDD should work have been put forward by countries,groups of countries and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
REDD would involve a massive transfer of money from rich countries to poor as part of their commitment under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to decrease the impact of their carbon emissions.
It also offers a chance to save one of the world’s most precious ecosystems. Forests would no longer be viewed merely as timber waiting to be harvested or land awaiting clearance for agriculture.
Even if agreed, the scheme would not formally begin before 2013, but a number of countries are already starting projects based on the same principles as REDD.

聯合國REDD計畫 http://www.un-redd.org/


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